Friday, August 3, 2012

Went to our dearly departed Lupe Ontiveros' rosary last night.  I payed my respects to a pioneer.  Thank you Lupe for the dances and the few chats and advise you gave me. You will be miss dearly. May you be dancing with our Lord in heaven. Your star will always be bright in each of us you touched and in future generations you'll touch with your films and tv shows you left us. Thank you for the laughs, cries, legacy and inspiration. We pray for the Ontiveros Familia. Rest in Peace Reyna Lupe. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Last time I posted a blog was back in November of '11, where it seemed that my career was going to take a turn for the best but then the holidays came and Hollywood shut down.  In January, I booked a PSA for the LosAngeles County Bicycle Coalition. view video  The spot was supposed to be